Jun 28Liked by Stewart K Lundy

What is this cloud buster device you use?

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The simplest way I've come to think of it is this: it uses metal (steel) pipes and floods water through. Essentially, it's a "heat sink" but in the air. The result is that it creates a central core of cooling. The warmed water drains into a lake or river or underground. Imagine how if you remove the drain plug in a bathtub, you'll see a vortex spontaneously emerge. That's what a "cloudbuster" does in terms of the atmosphere. In my experience, a cloudbuster creates a subtle vortex, which causes a "phase shift" of sorts in the atmosphere where invisible moisture is induced to accumulate into visible rainclouds. It's essentially geothermal technology used to cool homes, but aimed at the atmosphere. While I can hardly endorse Reich's work as a whole, the principle of the cloudbuster has something to it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudbuster The designs themselves are simple. But it is not a toy!

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I'm with Stewart. I also think it works with what used to be called "aether." From weather radar, it's obvious we often create a kind of bubble over the farm and environs. Also helps in other ways.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by The Druid Stares Back

jack green 'o the maple tree! I see him and he sees me! also, mushrooms do not like metal, get a ceramic knife.

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Jun 28Liked by The Druid Stares Back

I truly enjoyed this post. Thank you for your commitment, insight, and willingness to share!

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